Our Story
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We Love Art started as a love story. In 2013 I took a chance and moved to Dubai, to be with an Irish guy who I actually didn’t even know that well. Luckily it was, and still, is a hit.
Coming to a new country, I felt a hint of insecurity. I left everything in The Netherlands behind: my family, my friends, my house and my job and came here and I knew no one.
I have a masters in law, but when I came to Dubai it felt like I entered Disneyworld for adults. You could feel the opportunities. And so the idea brew to start with something new. My passion. I have always loved painting. I come from a family of artists and entrepreneurs, so perfect ingredients to just go for it. Nervously excited, I started my very first 8 weeks course with 10 people and what an awesome ride it has been ever since.
The feedback was so positive that very quickly word started spreading. Luckily it did, as I have no idea how to do marketing – I literally consider myself a grandma on that front. It was until one and a half years later that I decided to launch something new: Paint & Grape. An evening dedicated to the most famous painters of art history and an opportunity for my fellow creatives, to become a master in just one day. Without any painting experience anyone could now create iconic pieces to be enjoyed forever on the wall.
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My most memorable moment is tied together with my greatest loss. In 2017 we lost our son Beauden; a day after he was born. It was the most difficult and also most beautiful day of my life.
He taught me, like no one else on this planet, how to live a better life. How to be more mindful with people, how to appreciate the small things in life we often take for granted. He gave me the animal (maternal) power to live for two. He can’t breathe anymore, so I do it for him. I will show him what we can do. Maybe he took a step aside, so I could learn and share my experiences.
Opening up about him, has brought me even more together with all the ArtLovers in this community. On his birthday, the 1st of April, I always dedicate a painting to him and give a speech about his short life.
It often brings me to tears and the response of the community is beyond amazing. From a group applause for Beauden on his birthday, to hugs, messages, and flowers, I am always appreciative of the art communities support. Perhaps, opening up about my experiences helps others to open up about themselves. We are not alone. We are all in this together. We are a Family.
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“Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well” – Van Gogh
Mid 2019 I started to get my first requests in from overseas. Asking If could give them the same personal We Love Art experience. Even though I didn’t have the answer back then, it got me thinking. I wanted to create something memorable. A true experience to be enjoyed in the comfort of your own home. And so, we came up with what would become the hand-crafted We Love Artbox with online tutorial.
The We Love Artbox is so much more than a painting kit. It’s a box that makes you feel special. It starts from the beautiful, luxurious packaging, and all the personalized items in the box that makes you feel like an artist. You get premium access to a tutorial dedicated to the masterpiece you have selected. It enables you to create a Masterpiece you will enjoy painting and an end result you will be truly proud of.
The We Love Artbox is the ultimate gift to yourself or someone you care about. The box contains more than a painting. It contains time. Quality time spent with yourself or friends; a couple of hours where you can forget about everything else. It is a little box of magic.
It’s a box I would have loved to receive myself. Created with the greatest attention to detail and filled with all my love. So, for that alone, I am proud. Proud to share with you, my family here, and my baby boy Beauden up in the sky.
Much Love,
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