
Learn from the master of Pop Art; Roy Lichtenstein

American artist Roy Lichtenstein was born in New York City on October 27, 1923, and grew up on Manhattan’s Upper West Side. By giving new context to commercial images, he gave rise to the Pop Art movement. He closed the gap between “high” and “low” forms of art through the combination of painting and comic books. For his comic and cartoon works, he used an opaque projector to display his chosen panel on a canvas. He then traced the drawing with paint and added the Ben-Day dots with a stencil.

Lichtenstein is considered one of the greatest artists of the Pop Art Movement.

So if you are looking for some painting ideas, an art gift for adults, or a unique art experience with friends, delve into Pop Art with The Lichtenstein Collection!

What’s included in ‘The Lichenstein Collection’?

In this Artbox, 3 pre-sketched canvases (Girl with Ball, The Kiss, and M-Maybe) and their respective step-by-step booklets take you on a stylized journey. A perfect gift for yourself or your loved one, We love Art delivers right to your doorstep!

Girl with Ball by  Roy Lichtenstein (Painted in 1961).

Girl with Ball is one of Lichtenstein’s earliest Pop artworks and is known for its source, which is a newspaper ad that ran for several decades and which was among Lichtenstein’s earliest works sourced from pop culture. In pirating it, however, he transformed the photographic image, using a painter’s version of the techniques of the comic-strip artist.

He produced the work using Ben-Day dots of primary colours. 

The Kiss by Roy Lichtenstein (Painted in 1961).

Roy Lichtenstein’s painting “The Kiss” appears as if it is a cut-out from a newspaper comic, it depicts a scene of a meeting sealed with a kiss. He had a desire that his paintings look as mechanical as possible although he was a painter. Rather than selecting subject matter from photographs by an individual, he selected teen and action comics.

“The Kiss” was his first painting inspired by comics. If you want to learn something new, pick up a new hobby, and expand your creative skills, try Lichenstein’s comic book art style.

M-Maybe by Roy Lichtenstein (Painted in 1965).

Glamorous women in troubled cities crop up frequently in Lichtenstein’s pop artwork, and M-Maybe is one of the most famous examples of that. As is a common theme among these works, she awaits a man in a vague but urban setting. The text and her expression jointly capture her continuing worry and anticipation. Lichtenstein was an artist, like so many others, who would find a preferred colour scheme and use it repeatedly over an extended period of time.

Now what?

Pick up a brush, create a painting, add the finishing touches, and hang it on the wall!